Ever since the foundation of Paramhans Public School was laid in 2004 with 4 students we only aim to become self-sufficient and capable enough so that we can provide a rich, diverse and challenging education through excellent learning and innovative teaching experience.

There is no doubt that education improves our lives and brings growth and stability to the nation. Coupled with this, it is important that equal opportunities are given to both men and women in all the societies in order to execute even more exponential growth of the nation. As the citizen of this amazing country, it is our duty to take a step ahead and eradicate this gross inequality among the youth. This has actually been our reason to foray into the realm of education.
We promote these through all aspects of school life. Each student is encouraged to accept responsibility for self discipline, to develop self respect and compassion, to contribute to the community and through their school life – develop a love of learning whilst continually striving for excellence. We take pride in our dedicated faculty and all our members of staff are committed to creating a learning environment which maximizes the quality of education.
We also recognize the vital role that parents play in contributing to children’s success and happiness at school. We therefore seek to build strong and supportive partnerships with our parent community and look forward to their close involvement with the school and its programs.
The teachers are talented and keep on intensifying their own skills time to time as required to bring innovations to our ways of teaching. The students too are exposed to frequent workshops which enrich their knowledge and teach them the skills of application.

My best wishes to "Paramhans Public School" for working towards quality education and to develop positive attitudes in our students in all areas of life and character. 

   "Be a light unto yourself"
I desire to create a safe and nurturing yet challenging environment for all the students who are a part of the PPS family, which beholds the positivity and optimism in any situation that occurs. In addition, in order to keep our students equipped with best intellectual capabilities, I personally make sure that the faculty is always supporting the students emotionally, socially and academically. In fact, the faculty itself is that much sincere and responsible that each one of the facultytakes care and appreciate each of our students as a unique individual so that their talents, interests and needs never gets neglected.
The aim of a true education since time immemorial has been to enquire into the higher purpose of life, and to help humans ponder over two main questions - ‘Who am I?’ and ‘What am I here for?’. From a child’s early explorations into life through play , through years of a formal education, humans eventually aspire to reach a state of being, that is described by seers as 'present moment awareness' or just 'to be' and is regarded as the highest form of learning.
But, does our current education truly help learners to work towards these ideals, to explore any of these questions? Or does it merely develop in them the capacity to fulfill a self centered urge for security through livelihood, turning them into cogs in the wheel of a fast paced economic engine that generates more and consumes more, without understanding the consequence of this activity?
We at Paramhans Public School make sure that every student passes out from the school with the best ethics, morals and values of respect, cooperation, patience; seeking for knowledge at the higher levels of education. We ensure that parents do not get to worry too much about their children and keep conduct parent teacher meetings as often as required (frequently).
We will need to lift the bar much higher for ourselves- in this era of over information, endless entertainment, rampant consumerism and escapism, we will need to develop the ability to free
our lives of what is superfluous - to free up space in our minds and hearts, that will enable us to live with a greater sense of self awareness and mindfulness and allow us to delve deeper into essential questions of life. Only then will we develop the ground from which the intelligence required for the future will flower.




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